Not too long ago, I did one of the hardest things a pastor could ever do. I said goodbye to my congregation and left. You see, over time we pastors develop very close relationships with the people in our congregations. We go through everything with you; births, marriages, funerals, good times and bad times, thick and thin. We laugh together, we cry together. The relationship between pastor and people becomes very close over time. And so the Lord had led me to a different calling to serve as a pastor somewhere else. And the last day I was there was very joyful, filled with memories, and yet terribly tearful too. On that last day, I received one of the most prized possessions that I own. And it's this picture right here. You see, a member of the congregation had taken a picture of the front of the church that we built there a few years ago. And on the picture this is what it says,"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now" (Philippians 1:3-5). These words beautifully sum up our time together. And I always look at that picture with fond memories and great joy. That has to be the same way the Apostle Paul felt about the Philippian Christians. As he sat in jail in Rome, he thought fondly about those people with all the great memories he had. People like Lydia who we met, or the jailer at Philippi when he himself was in jail. People whom he baptized, along with their entire families. These were people he was so thankful for. You know, sometimes we forget about the people who are closest to us in life. Today would be a great day for you to think about those people and to thank God for them. Be sure to thank those people for who they are and what they do in your life. But then thank God for the great blessing that they are to you and the great joy that they give you. Read the opening verses of Philippians chapter 1 and take time to reflect and thank God for those special people in your life. If there's someone special that you're thankful for, tag them in the comments below and share your great joy that they bring to your life.